Black HolesThe first exhibition of the photographic work “Trous noirs / Black Holes” features a spatial and immersive installation in the “Hors Cadre” art space. From the outside, the glazing of the gallery is covered by an opaque, black film that immerses the interior of the room in darkness – like a “black box” – creating an intimate and sensual space. Playing with positive/negative, black/white, a small hole, type “spy hole”, enables a view from the outside in. Visitors stroll through this darkened room and discover the works through concentrated light that illuminates the matt surface of the photo prints. The arrangement of the photographs in the room – leaning at an angle or installed at right angles against the wall, or placed on the floor – the viewer is tempted to also put themselves in physical imbalances. This instability corresponds to the series of “black holes” where the edges are the fixed point, the last stable threshold before the abyss, before nothingness, absolute blackness. At the same time, the edges contextualize the images – analogies ranging from micro to macro. This research is a direct reference to cosmic black holes: symbolic image of the infinite emptiness, of a nothing that devours everything. Black holes are only visible through the light that surrounds them; a luminous reflection of the invisible. Starting from the cosmic black hole as a metaphor, this work deals with analogies between physical and psychological, natural and artificial spaces, like a zoom through different spaces and scales of perception. Text excerpts and quotations between the photos on the walls accompany this exploration of very different worlds. A white sound, based on “The Sound of the Universe” takes the visitor unwittingly and almost imperceptibly into other spaces, into other universes.
| Vitres Galerie "Hors Cadre" obscurées par des films noir opaques avec oeilleton | Vue de l exterieur à travers de l'oeilleton | BH 2.2_2019/2022 / 60x90 cm / jet d'encre pigmenté sur papier coton mat / contrecollage sur Diabond 2mm | Installation immersive à l'espace d'art contemporain "Hors Cadre"/ Auxerre/ 2022/2023 | BH 3.1_2019/2022 / 100x150 cm / jet d'encre pigmenté sur papier coton mat / contrecollage sur Diabond 2mm | BH 3.2 _2019/2022 / 100x150 cm / jet d'encre pigmenté sur papier coton mat / contrecollage sur Diabond 2mm | Citations transfert au mur | Installation immersive à l'espace d'art contemporain "Hors Cadre"/ Auxerre/ 2022/2023 | Installation immersive à l'espace d'art contemporain "Hors Cadre"/ Auxerre/ 2022/2023 | BH 6.1_2019/2022 / 40x60 cm / jet d'encre pigmenté sur papier coton mat / contrecollage sur Diabond 2mm | BH 4.1_2019/2022 / 40x60 cm / jet d'encre pigmenté sur papier coton mat / contrecollage sur Diabond 2mm | Citations transfert au mur | Installation immersive à l'espace d'art contemporain "Hors Cadre"/ Auxerre/ 2022/2023 | BH 9.2_2019/2022 / 120x80 cm / jet d'encre pigmenté sur papier coton mat / contrecollage sur Diabond 2mm | BH 9.1_2019/2022 / 120x80 cm / jet d'encre pigmenté sur papier coton mat / contrecollage sur Diabond 2mm | Citations transfert au mur | Installation immersive à l'espace d'art contemporain "Hors Cadre"/ Auxerre/ 2022/2023 | Installation immersive à l'espace d'art contemporain "Hors Cadre"/ Auxerre/ 2022/2023 | Citations transfert au mur | BH 7.2_2019/2022 / 80x120cm / jet d'encre pigmenté sur papier coton mat / contrecollage sur Diabond 2mm | BH 7.1_2019/2022 / 80x120cm / jet d'encre pigmenté sur papier coton mat / contrecollage sur Diabond 2mm | Installation immersive à l'espace d'art contemporain "Hors Cadre"/ Auxerre/ 2022/2023 | BH 2.1_2019/2022 / 90x60 cm / jet d'encre pigmenté sur papier coton mat / contrecollage sur Diabond 2mm | Installation immersive à l'espace d'art contemporain "Hors Cadre"/ Auxerre/ 2022/2023 | Installation immersive à l'espace d'art contemporain "Hors Cadre"/ Auxerre/ 2022/2023 |